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Wow this is at least a start for some type of racial justice here in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. Today Milwaukee Bucks star Sterling Brown reached a settlement in his suit against the city of Milwaukee. The lawsuit was filed after the incident that happened on January 26th, 2018, when officers stopped to investigate a parking violation at a Walgreens in Milwaukee. The officers then called numerous other officers to the scene and a huge unwarranted struggle began in which officers tased Brown and the arrested him. Sterling Brown could be seen at different Bucks games with scars and bruises that he had received because of his being accosted by the Milwaukee Police. The financial settlement of $750K according to Fox6 News will include an admission by the city of constitutional violation.
I think it's a good thing Mr. Brown sued and more people who have the financial positioning should sue. Sterling Browns experience with the Milwaukee Police is a prime example of what people of color deal with everyday on top of so many other things that people do. Thank goodness all of these incidents may not lead to being tased and arrested, but how many times does it lead to death and cover up? Why do so many people not believe in institutional racism when it's so apparent that it exists? What could it have hurt for these officers to just have more training? Check out the full incident as reported by ABC NEWS back in 2018 below and think of how you would feel if a situation like that happened to you.