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> January 2019
Dorothy Butler Gilliam, First Black woman reporter at the Washington Post
DCHC to provide free dental services on Give Kids A Smile Day
Dr. Leonard Mlodinow, author of Elastic:Unlocking Your Brain’s Ability...
Jessie Turner founder of the Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness of America
Careers Consultant Eddie Francis
Dr. Lisa Frye shares lessons from the government shutdown & tips for 2019
LaJune Montgomery Tabron, talks about the National Day of Racial Healing
Casey Diaz talks about his memoir 'The Shot Caller'
Dr. Sheika Square discusses Committing to Success
Dr. Bryan Robinson: #CHILL Turn Off Your Job & Turn On Your Life"
CPA Kemberley Washington chats about budgeting
Newcomb Art Museum presents: Per(Sister): Incarcerated Women of Louisiana
Dr. Keisha Harvey-Mansfield discusses Sexual Dysfunction
Dr. Horace Mann Bond Justice Series
Duane Tudahl author of Prince & The Purple Rain ERA Studio Sessions
Leon Waters of the Louisiana Museum of African American History