Steve Harvey Morning Show

Steve Harvey Morning Show

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The Strawberry Letter: Just Tell Me The Truth

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Subject: Just tell me the truth

Dear Steve and Shirley, I have been married for 2 years to a man that is 24 years older than I am. I was his side piece for the last 2 years of his marriage and he got divorced to be with me. After we got married, things changed. I had to accept that my husband was not going to be monogamous, partly because he was having sex with me while he was married. I never signed up or agreed to an open marriage, but I’m wise enough to know that he needs more than one woman to make him feel like a king. I won’t say that I’m miserable with him because we have a lot of fun and we travel to exotic places often. I just wish he’d tell me the truth about what he is doing on the side. I have to be the most reasonable wife on the planet and I don’t check his phone or his social media accounts. I can get in his car and smell perfume on the passenger seatbelt and I don’t say a word. I know he loves me because he chose me over his wife. I thought he would continue to be open and honest once we got married but he lies about simple things, like where he had lunch. I will see a receipt that says otherwise. He will lie about which one of his male friends he was with. He lies about taking a shower, getting a pedicure, getting a haircut. He’s just a liar. I got a call recently from his barber saying he left his credit card and I called my husband and asked what he was doing and he said he was sitting in the barber chair. I hung up on him and canceled the card so no one could use it. I’ve told him repeatedly that he does not have to lie to me because I’m not going anywhere. How is he going to keep this up as he gets older? Am I setting myself up for a lot of heartache and headaches with this man? Please advise.

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