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> March 2017
Hal Clark speaks with William Snowden, Criminal Defense Attorney, with the Juror Project about diversifying juror pools
LIVE w/ HAL CLARK! Al Mims (Community Activist), Ameer Baraka (Actor, Author & Entrepreneur, and Victor Sims (Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Aggressive Behaviors Specialist) discuss the crime and violence in the city
Hal Clark speaks with Jenga Mwendo about the Backyard Gardeners Network's Back to the Roots Fundraiser
Lisa Phillips speaks with People United for Armstrong Park's Executive Director and Producer Emmanuel Lain Jr about the Jazz in the Park Treme Crab Festival featuring Roy Ayers and Michael Franks
Lisa Phillips (Pts.1&2) chats with CEO of IUSETOBEU.COM Fitness Coach Wiltrina Jones and Valerie Washington about her journey of losing over 200 pounds
Lisa Phillips speaks with Writer and Director Mary Ann Sadler and Javonte Coleman about the Inspirational Stage Play "His Wonderful Presence Then and Now"
Super Sunday and The Single Men Second Line
Congo Square Rhythms Fest This Weekend
YOU ARE INVITED TO: COFFEE WITH COPS March 18, 2017 9am-11am
LIVE with HAL CLARK! Political analysts Vincent Sylvain and Dr. Gary Clark have a discussion as they examine local and national politics
Second Line Sunday Kids Nation & Keep N It Real
LIVE with HAL CLARK! (Pts. 1 & 2) Dwayne Bryant, CEO of Inner-Vision International shares his experiences as a Internationally Renowned motivational speaker and author of "The Stop: Improving Police and Community Relations"
VIP Ladies and Kids Second Line Parade